Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 11

Lucas had a rough morning with some respiratory issues. Please continue to pray for healing.


  1. Lifting Lucas and all of you up in prayer at this very moment. God's peace be with you.

  2. Praying for you.

  3. Praying for miraculous healing now!

  4. My family and I continue to pray for Lucas and your entire family. JESUS IS LORD!!!!!!!

    Love, Tonya and Spencer Welch and the Sims Family

  5. I work at UNC and will drop off my contact information at the waiting room desk so if there is anything I can bring to you or do for you or Lucas I will gratefully do so. (I am Megan's mom). I have sent prayer requests to our friends who know Lucas and they are praying for him and you as are we..night and day.
    Becky Richardson

  6. Psalm 37:5
    "Commit your way to the Lord: trust in him,and he will act."
    I pray that God will teach us all to trust Him more each day and that he will gather all of Heaven's resources to help heal Lucas and bring peace to your whole family.
    Your strong faith is inspiring to us who wait and pray. Deb Houck

  7. I have missed worshipping with you all the past few weeks. Tripp prayed a very powerfully passionalte prayer this morning for Lucas and your family during the worship service. I keep praying continually for you.
    Ben preached this morning and was talking about the promised land from Joshua. He reminded us that the biggest promise of God to His people is that He will go with them wherever they go. He is with you as you travel this journey of suffering with Lucas. I pray that you feel His presence in amazing ways today. He loves you and so do we.

    Amy Jeffers

  8. Sending lots of love. Prayers of gratitude to the staff at UNC caring for Lucas. I never met Sydney, but she is in my prayers as well.

    Trust that all of this is part of God's plan. Do not forget that. Especially when tragic things happen, when we are faced with so much uncertainty, it can be hard to remember the Divine reasons why things happen as they do and how fragile life can be. We won't know those reasons until we are face to face with our Creator.

    I pray that your family recognizes all there is to be grateful for, although it does not seem apparent at the moment that there's much of anything to be grateful for.

    One spiritual exercise I have found incredibly helpful through testing times is to write a gratitude list every evening before bed, with five things, people, or events for which you are grateful. Some days I can only think of things like, "I am grateful for the pretty flowers by the mailbox" or "I am grateful for that sweet tea I drank this afternoon, how cold and refreshing it was!" It helps me focus on how blessed I am, and when I finish, I turn it into a prayer of thanksgiving.

  9. I stopped right now and prayed for you, your family, and for healing for Lucas. I am a critical care nurse, and have cared for many precious patients like your Lucas. God is there, holding Lucas in his gentle hands, and sending people there to care for him with great love. Many hugs, and hang in there...I know it is so hard.

  10. We are praying for you all often. We pray that our God of all comfort will be with you in a powerful way. Love, Seth and Gretchen
